On Tue, 26 May 1998, Jakob 'Sparky' Kaivo wrote:

> On 26 May 1998, Jake Colman wrote:
> > I wanted to upgrade some packages on my system and decided to downloaded source
> > RPMs.  Looking at the RPM MAN page, I thought that rpm --recompile would
> > compile and install the package. I tried it, it recompiled but a rpm -q showed
> > that the older package was still installed.  I did a rpm --rebuild, generated a
> > binary rpm, and the did a rpm --Uvh and successfully upgraded.  What is the
> > proper procedure for working with a SRPM?
> What I usually do, possibly with too many steps :), is the following:
> # rpm -ivh foo-1.0-1.src.rpm
> foo           ##################################################
> # cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
> # rpm -ba foo.spec
> <Build output>
> # rpm -ivh ../RPMS/<arch>/foo-1.0-1.<arch>.rpm
> foo           ##################################################

  I used to do it this way myself, until I found out about,
rpm --rebuild foo-1.0-1.src.rpm

   this one builds a foo-1.0-1.<arch>.rpm and cleans up after itself.


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