On Tue, 26 May 1998, Kevin Currie wrote:
>       I recently switched from Debian to RedHat, however, RedHat is
> giving me some rather annoying problems.  I have a server with two
> ethernet cards.  The kernel finds both of them okay.  I want to configure
> eth0 on a 192.168.1.x class C network.  The server will be .2, and an NT
> box will be .42.  I can setup the device seemingly okay.  I'll ping
> from the server and it is perfectly happy to reply, but if I
> try and ping the NT box from the server nothing it can't see it.  If I
> ping the NT box from itself, it works, but I cannot ping the server from
> the NT box.  I know that the cabling and the hub are okay.  I know the
> network cards work.
> -------------------
> cat /proc/dev/route
> -------------------
> Iface Destination     Gateway         Flags   RefCnt  Use     Metric  Mask           
> MTU     Window  IRTT
> eth0  0001A8C0        00000000        01      0       2       0       00FFFFFF       
> 1500    0       0
> lo    0000007F        00000000        01      0       2       0       000000FF       
> 3584    0       0                                          
> ----------------------
> /etc/sysconfig/network
> ----------------------
> FORWARD_IPV4=false
> HOSTNAME=eddie.sirius.cybernetics.net
> DOMAINNAME=sirius.cybernetics.net

You haven't set a route to the local net. Either fill in GATEWAY= and
GATEWAYDEV= in /etc/sysconfig/network and then reboot
do some manual ROUTE ADD's to accomplish the same thing. Your system hasn't
been told that the 192 net is on eth0.

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