On Tue, May 26, 1998 at 02:47:02PM -0600, Kyle Moore wrote:
>I have read everything I can find about Linux and learned a ton but
>still haven't found the answer to this problem.  I have Linux,
>Macintosh, Win95 and NT4.0 machines that need to be able to network
>together.  I have never set up a network before but understand the
>basics of how they work.  I would like to have internet access through
>the Linux box (I assume some kind of IP Masquerading would be needed),
>printer sharing and file sharing also.  From there, local email, central
>faxing and group scheduling seem pretty easy.


the accessing the internet through the linux box is quite easy to
set up.  all you'll need, pretty much, is a nic card in each box and
a hub to plug them all into - oh and the ipfwadm package if you don't
have it already.  here are some good links to help get you started:


this one's good once you get past just masquerading:

outside of  simple connectivity, netatalk is good for macs and similarly
you can use samba to fileshare to your M$ machines.  alternately you
could just use nfs and get nfs clients to both of them - depending
on what you need.

good luck!


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