
I had the same problem on my network. This is due to printjob.c source
which tries to fork the printing process with the username of usr who
prints. And this impossible when the user don't have an account on the
printer server...

I have modified a few lines in the source printjob.c
I'll send you the new printjob.c file to your personal address.

If someone on this list has the same pb, please ask me.


|    Lionel  TRESSENS        |
| Tel : (+33)  6 12 48 94 77 |

On Tue, 26 May 1998, Jon A. Christopher wrote:

> Hello,
> I've been beating my head against the wall about what's probably a simple
> problem, so I thought I'd ask the list for help.
> I've set up my RH 5.0 PC as a print server for several machines using lpd.
> Unfortunately, it only works if the remote user has an account on the
> local machine.  The man page for lpd/printcap has some stuff about a "rs"
> capability which is supposed to do just that, limit remote print requests
> to users with accounts on the local machine, but I don't want that
> behavior, and I don't have that enabled.
> How can I enable printing for everyone?  I've got the machines listed in
> /etc/hosts.lpd, and I've restarted lpd.
> If I turn on logging, I can see the request come in, but the remote files
> are never transfered to the local queue (unless the request is from an
> account which also exists on the local machine).
> Please help me before I pull the rest of my hair out too!
> Thanks,
> Jon
> --
> Jon A. Christopher, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |      ////     | See my web page:
> Department of Biochemistry/Biophysics |     (o o)     | quorum.tamu.edu/jon
> Texas A&M University MS-2128          +-ooO--(_)--Ooo-+ 
> College Station, TX, 77843            |Don't look here| 
> -- 
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