On Tue, May 26, 1998 at 08:11:21PM +0000, Michael wrote:
> The reasson I'm asking is that, apparanty, more and more people
> are reccomending KDE and due to the license of the qt-libs one
> might fear that this will mean the end to linux as we know it, with the
> GNU Public Licence. Aren't there any other linux-users who are fearing
> these tendencies in the linux-community ? 

I believe that work is ongoing to replace the qt libraries with ones
which are a functional superset and whose sources are freely available.
(Take a look at the "gnome" project.)

I wouldn't worry about it, though, even if that weren't the case:
the availability of non-free products for Linux (e.g. Oracle) is
an indication of its success in penetrating the market.  Any product
which provides functionality that is sufficiently popular will
eventually trigger an effort to replace it with freeware.  (In fact,
many of the pieces of GNU software were written as part of just such
a pattern of evolution.)

If you want something to worry about, worry about GNU software still
using the idiosyncratic "info" format instead of switching to HTML
years ago.

Rich Kulawiec

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