On Wed, May 27, 1998 at 03:05:18PM -0400, Dave Reed wrote:
> We have a mixture of Suns and Windows 95 machines at my college and
> they're looking for a X Windows Server to allow remote display of the
> Suns on the list.  Does anyone have experience with any that they can
> recommend?  Either free or reasonably priced commercial products are
> acceptable.  Reliability and ability to work with a number of video
> cards are probably most important criteria.

        There is a piece of software called VNC, it's freeware, and
rocks some serious worlds. :)  You can find it at www.orl.co.uk/vnc.

        It's not really an X server, but it'll more than do the
job.  We're currently using it to connect to Linux boxes running
Gnome/WindowMaker using Windows95, and it works like a charm.

        (BTW: It also works the other way.. project 95/Mac/etc. to


Adam Jacob                  E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Systems Administrator       WWW: http://www.cybertrails.com
Cyber Trails                "Unix is a four letter word...
602-906-1752                 VI is a two letter abbreviation"

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