>    If you see this and happen to know the correct bug report address will
> you forward it on the the RH team?  Thanks!  Also, if you succeeded at
> doing an NFS install from another RH5 box, or another UNIX using the same
> tcpd conpiletime options, let me know how you did it... huh?

i just did this not 2 hours ago and didn't have a problem. what i did
on the RH 5.0 box that was the NFS server, chester.as.arizona.edu, was
put this line in /etc/exports:

/home *.as.arizona.edu(ro)

and then restarted the NFS server. the 5.1 stuff was in
/home/tim/redhat on the server and the machine getting upgraded was
aspc125.as.arizona.edu.  i specified NFS install, gave chester as the
NFS server host, and /home/tim/redhat as the directory.  worked like a


  Time is like fingers        A    |  Tim Pickering ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Gesturing for me to stop -- Quake  |  UA Steward Observatory
   Why is the sun up?       Haiku  |  Tucson, AZ  85721     520-621-6523

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