Dave Reed writes:
> > From: Ron Golan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > I checked what version of PAM I'm using since I am using XFree86 3.3.2
> > (see below) but I am using RH5.0. What is the reason for not using this
> > version with 4.2? Is it a glibc thing? 
> > 
> > [root@ozenfant /tmp]# rpm -qvi pam
> > Name        : pam                         Distribution: Hurricane
> > Version     : 0.59                              Vendor: Red Hat Software
> I'm using the latest version RedHat has officially released for 4.2
> (0.57).  If the latest XFree86 requires version 0.59 of pam I would
> hope they will release that version of pam.  I suspect RedHat's
> maintaining both 4.2 and 5.x releases has resulted in this problem
> (although, I think they made the correct decision to continue
> supporting 4.2).  Anyway, I was just posting the problem so hopefully
> RedHat will either release pam-0.59 or make a new XFree86 rpm that
> works with pam-0.57.  It doesn't matter to me - I just want a system
> that works and is secure :-).  Once I get a few free days I'm going to
> upgrade to 5.1 and try to get all my software working with it, but
> until I get a chance I want to keep my system secure.

Hm - in the meantime it could be an option to get the 5.1 pam source rpm and
run rpm --rebuild on it. I haven't tried that with pam, but I have updated a
thing or two (e.g. slang) that way on my RHL4.2 system.

Just my £0.02,

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