Chris Humphres writes:
> If I remember correctly, the email in question only contained the html.  I
> deleted it and yes I use pine.  When you've got hundreds of emails to go
> through, you don't have the time to save to a tmpfile and browse with
> netscape or scan with a text editor.  I agree with the others, if you want
> everyone to read it, send it in plain text (and it doesn't matter if you
> attach html to that or not as long as the text is there).

I disagree strongly - attaching HTML bloats the mail up to almost twice the
size. Heck, even just sending the HTML is bigger than plain text. There are
countries where you have to pay for local calls by time units when you dial
up to your ISP, so every minute (and thus every unnecessary byte) counts. 
That's basically the same problem as with spam, isn't it?

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