I have posted to several linux newsgroups in search of an
answer to these questions, but so far, no answer so here 
I go again.

I am having difficulty setting up my window manager, fvwm2,
and getting both my PPA Zip drive and the connected Epson
Color Stylus 600 working.  When I installed RH 5.0, I did
install printer support AND I selected "Yes" to the question
regarding SCSI support...I selected PPA Zip drive.  Now,
I can neither access my zip drive nor print.

The printer and Zip drive are connected to lpt1.  With 
printtool, I have set up my printer as /dev/lp0 and 
named it lp.  It doesn't work.  If I try to run Tests
and print ascii either to the port or to the spooler, I get
an error message telling there is no such device or port.
If I try to Add a new printer and this time make it /dev/lp1,
I get a dialog window indicating no devices detected on lp0,
lp1, nor lp2.  As for the Zip, how does this work, period?
Does it automount, being "SCSI" or do I have to mount it?
If I have to mount it, where does it reside?  What directory?

I did get one suggestion that I recompile a kernel with 
support for all this built in...but I thought that was 
essentially what I did during the initial install when I 
selected yes to scsi and then selected PPA Zip AND when 
I selected "install printer support".

Now for the window manager.  As root I have no problems.  I
can login and startx and get fvwm2 with the fvwm95 style.
When I first started X that was the default it went to.  
When I added myself a user account, logged in and then 
ran startx, same thing.  The correct (desired) fvwm2 started
with fvwm95 style running.

I then added a user account for my wife and was showing 
her how to logon and then how to start X...but instead
of getting a wm when she typed "startx", she got the 
initial grey-background screen with the X cursor in the 
center - and nothing else.  It didn't go any further. 
Clicking any mouse button did nothing EXCEPT that the
left mouse button gave me a very brief menu with one item
in it:  Exit fvwm.

I then tried to fix this by looking for .fvwm2rc somewhere.
It didn't and doesn't exist anywhere on my system.  There IS
a system.fvwm2rc and it has a "linked" icon on it when viewed
with xfm, so I am assuming that .fvwm2rc is linked to 
system.fvwm2rc.  If so, why doesn't my wife get a window
manager when running startx?  To top that off, while messing
around with various files like system.fvwm2rc and .xinitrc,
I managed to eliminate my own user account window manager.
At this time ONLY root can start a functional fvwm2 and only
root gets fvwm95 style...yet I can't find any fvwm2-specific
files anywhere within the /root directory.  I have no idea
why root can start and use the window manager but no other
user can.

I am a newbie here so please be gentle and PLEASE tell me
what I need to do to correct the problems mentioned above.

How do I fix the problem with my printer and zip drive (and
why isn't linux seeing my printer...is it because of the zip
drive?  Just where is my zip drive in the directory structure?
Do I have to actively mount it?  How do I set up my GLOBAL
default window manager to be fvwm2 using the fvwm95 style?
Anytime I add a new user, I want them to be able to startx
and get the same default window manager and the same look
and feel as everyone else.  Of course, i assume that any
info provided on how to do this would also indicate the
means by which I would make GNOME or KDE my universal,
global default window manager.

Thank you in advance for any guidance and aid,

-If I can avoid it, I really would like to avoid having 
to do a kernel compile/recompile at this time.  It doesn't 
seem that it should be necessary given the RH installation
process and its relative simplicity - and I DID select all
the correct things required for running a PPA zip and Epson
printer on lpt1.


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