Darque wrote:
> I am needing to reinstall RH5.0, but would like to retain the /home
> and /usr/local directories.  I created each as seperate partions as
> recomended in my initial install, but didn't write details anywhere.

Good that you did that. "df -a" should give an idea about who's
who. Write it down. :)

> When I start to reinstall and it asks for all the partition info,
> I'm not sure how to determine what to put to retain those partions
> in tact.  Is there any way for me to determine this?

Last thing before installing, I would suggest to rename a few
standard directories in /usr/local (and in home), if they're not
empty, in order to not have them overwritten during instalation:
bin, lib, etc, sbin, src, man(?), games(?).

Do not re-partition the drives. (choose directly done in the
partitioning screen).
When you're asked what partitions should be mounted where, just
choose what you wrote down earlier.
When you're asked what partitions should be formatted
(reccomending to also format /usr/local), pay attention not to
format the ones you want to keep :)

After install, compare the renamed directories with the newly
created ones and do the necessary merges, then you can carefully
delete the old ones.
That should be it. 


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