
I know I should post this to the Applix list, but I'm not a member, I
don't have time to sign up, and I *sure* don't have time to read another
list.  I hope someone here can help me with what I think may be a minor
problem, but could possibly prove to be a "suite-buster".  I suspect I'm
just missing a RPM.

Where the heck are the Applix Words "Save as" filters for RTF, Word, WP,
etc.?  I pulled up a doc in older Applix format, changed it, and wanted
to save it as RTF, and had no option.  Am I missing something?  Applix's
README brags brazenly about the filters.  I went for a "standard"
install.  I can't find a "filters" RPM on the CD.  "Where's them damned
filter thingies?"


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