On Wed, 17 Jun 1998, Brian Wright wrote:

> Hello!
> Yesterday, I downloaded RedHat 5.1 from Sunsite.  I want to make a CD-R
> with the RedHat distribution.  The problem is, I only have Windoze 95
> (gag!) and a Smart and Friendly CD-RW 226, and I have two software
> programs, CdQuadrat WinOnCD 3.5 and Adaptec EZ CD Creator 3.01b.
> I used WinOnCD 3.5 to make an ISO-9660 CD-R with 128 character filenames.
> I was able to make the boot and support disk, but when RedHat tried to
> init the CD-ROM, it reported that it wasn't a valid CD.  Nothing in the
> FAQs about how to do this. :)
> In short, where am I going wrong?

Rockridge Extensions... Windows (which you downloaded onto) cannot have
more than one period (".") in a filename, so it converts to _'s... bleh...
just pay $2 and get one from cheapbytes, or pay the money for the full
release.. it's well worth it...

|         Kevin Smith x Computer Cafe System Administrator        |
|             "Once, I was a mudflap... on a truck"               |

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