On Sun, 17 May 1998, Larsen wrote:
> One difference I've noticed is that Red Hat ships with ftape 2.x, and I
> was running ftape 3.x (zftape) on the Caldera box.  I tried compiling
> zftape on the Red Hat box, and it seemed to compile OK, but when I try
> to insmod the zftape driver, I get a bunch of "Unresolved symbol"
> errors.  What are these?  Also, the linux source is not on the box
> (didn't install it).  Do I need that to get zftape compiled correctly?

Yes you do need the linux source on the box to get zftape compiled
correctly.  zftape must be compiled against the source to the kernel that
is currently running on the box. (It's like all other kernel drivers in
that respect).  

I suspect that once you get zftape compiled you'll be able to read your
files off with no problem.   

P.S. the reason Red Hat ships with ftape 2.x is because that's what's in
the 2.0 kernel sources. That's one reason Red Hat doesn't officially
support ftape-type drives -- because of the incompatibilities between the
various versions of ftape and the unrelability of ftape 2.x (I often have
to load ftape 3.x to read a tape that ftape 2.x won't touch). 

Eric Lee Green   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Executive Consultants
Systems Specialist               Educational Administration Solutions
             See http://members.tripod.com/~e_l_green

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