On Wed, 27 May 1998, Robert Fausey wrote:

> >
> >Double check this for me, is your card is 3com 3c905B-TX, if it is I might
> >be able to help, becuase it took me two weeks to be able to get it to work
> >at last, it's a pain in butt, but I got the sucker to work :)
> >
> Nope it is a 3c590.

Then you might try "insmod 3c59x" instead of "insmod 3c509" and see what
kind of messages you get.

Note that there's a new 3c590/3c905 driver on the Linux Network Card site.
Alas, I don't have the URL handy (it's in my Netscape, which as usual is
locked up trying to resolv an address that won't resolv but the @#$%@#
thing just freezes up until it figures that out, unlike the Windows
version, which works correctly). 

Eric Lee Green   [EMAIL PROTECTED]          Executive Consultants
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