If you are sure this is the only damage, just reinstall the whole
shadow package.

On Mon, 23 Mar 1998, Ken Arck wrote:

> Well, guess I deserve what I got for sharing root access with someone I
> trusted. 
> They inadvertantly changed alot of permissions and now its not possible to
> su to any other username (including root) from any other account
> (previously, anyone could provided they had the password for that account).
> When trying, you get an "su: incorrect password' error". passwd is readable
> to the world, shadow is not.I am using shadow passwords. 
> Thats about the only thing I've noticed problems with, but its a pain to
> telnet in and not be able to su to root 
> Ken
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ken Arck
> Support Engineer - The Palace, Inc.
> http://preview.thepalace.com/ph
> Palace Site - preview.thepalace.com Port 9998
> aka Ph's horse

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