I got this modeline from a webpage at www.mpegtv.com:

               Mode "352x280"
                DotClock   15.750
                HTimings   352 368 416 432
                VTimings   280 288 286 302
                 Flags        "Doublescan"

Problem is that XFree86 complain that the Vertical Timing is invalid for
this mode. I tried other modes by ripping the vertical timing from
existing mode-lines. 352x240 and 352x300 work. Can anyone help me with
this? Is the vertical timing badly calculated? Can anyone recalculate it
for me?

PS. I have a Matrox Mystique 220 and run Xfree86 3.3.2, if that helps.

Henrik Edlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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