On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 01:02:41PM -0600, Eric Ladner wrote:
> I have an IBM T23 laptop that worked just dandy under 7.2 for over a
> year, then I did a clean install of RH 8.0.
> Now, periodically, the machine will forget about the built int network
> card (IBM eepro100).
> When it works, everything works great.  When it stops, I can't ping
> anything except the local IP address (not even my direct connected
> router).  The only way I can clear it is to /etc/rc.d/init.d/network
> stop, then start.
> When the problem happens, the network card doesn't appear down, but
> stopping and restarting makes it work correctly.  I've verified all the
> DNS and routing information.  This is a DHCP box, so it's getting many
> of the network settings from the DHCP server (there are two other linux
> machines on the same network that work fine).
> Anybody seen anything like this?

I have the same laptop and am running RedHat 8.0 also.  I
experienced the exact same behavior as you described.  Apparently
there is an issue with the power management of that particular
NIC.  Here is what I did to resolve the issue.

First download the eepro100 diag utility from the following site:


Once you have it you need to compile it (the commands are given
at the bottom of the C source code).

Once you have the resulting binary file named eepro-diag, run it
with the -ee option.  This shows the details of the eeprom.  When
it reports back it will most likely say "Sleep mode is enabled"
and give you the switches necessary to disable it (-G 0 -w -w
-f).  Once you run the diag tool with those switches you will
need to cold boot the computer to make the changes take affect.

You can probably find some additional information by searching
http://groups.google.com on 'eepro100: wait_for_cmd_done
timeout'.  Or look at a brief blurb here:


Hope this helps!


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