Jody Cleveland wrote:
Well, I've got my redhat 8 production server almost done. My question is,
how do I move the mysql databases from the test server to that one? Can I
just copy the folder across, or is there something else I have to do?
from another email...
I ultimately just did a cold directory copy of "/var/lib/mysql".  I was then
able to login using:

  mysql -h localhost -u root -p mysql

and restarted the mysqld.  Then I changed the specific system names from the
old system to new within mysql client with:

  UPDATE user SET host='<new-system-name>' WHERE host='<old-system-name>';

then on the DNS I changed the CNAME of where mydb pointed to and reloaded
the zone.  Then tested on a few clients... everything worked great.  No one
even noticed the change.  Easier than restoring?  I'm not sure, but this was
very easy.

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