On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, exits funnel wrote:

> First the vi question:  I primarily use emacs but like
> to be able to fire up vi every once in a while if I
> just have a quick edit to make.  Anyway, I've recently
> installed RedHat 7.3 and when I launch vi there is a
> bit of a problem with the display color.  The tildes
> along the left edge of the screen as well as the
> default insert color of the text are a very dark blue.
>  When contrasted with the black background it's nearly
> impossible to read.  So, is there a way I can change
> the color from this dark blue to something else
> (preferably white)?

In ~/.vimrc include the line

        set background=dark

> Now the emacs question:  I use emacs to edit c/c++
> files.  So far I like it, but there is one small
> annoyance I've run into.  It indents blocks like this:
> if (true)
>   {
> when I want it to indent blocks like this:
> if (true)
> {
> It's a small thing but it drives me nuts to have to
> constantly backspace the brace to put it where I want
> it.  Is there some change I can make to my .emacs file
> to change this?  Thanks in advance for any help anyone
> can offer on either issue!

You need to hack some variables in cc-mode.elc (don't change them there,
change them in your .emacs file.  I don't know the exact incantations that
you need, but it looks like you should try c-set-style. See ^H-a
set-c-style for some help.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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