On Fri, Feb 28, 2003 at 01:55:20PM -0500, Christian Campbell wrote:
> I have intermediate experience with Linux.  Even less with mail servers.
> I'm running a RedHat 8 server that needs to accept mail from the world as
> our primary mailserver.  I'm debating as to whether I should use postfix or
> sendmail (or something else).  Anyone have any pros/cons to either of these?
> I'd like something simple, secure and have the option of doing some type of
> spam catching with some type of package (open source, free / cheep) that
> integrates easily.  Any and all help appreciated!

I cast my vote to Postfix.  Easy to understand configuration
files and a lot of UCE filtering capabilities built right in .
In addition the Postfix mailing list is a fairly friendly list
when asking a question.


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