> Original body cut out to preserve space

While you're right about RH not including mp3 and video apps out of the box
turning off many new users, I disagree with other observations. (BTW, I converted
all my music to ogg-vorbis format which gives me better quality and uses less disk
so I no longer care about that.)

1) Windows is easier to install: I've installed Windows and Linux several times
   on several different computers and have always found that I've gotten Linux
   to work with less trouble and time than Windows. Admittedly, this can be more
   troublesom with some hardware which Linux hasn't caught up to yet.

2) Upgrading Windows: My daughter had to upgrade her Thinkpad T21 from Windows 98
   to Windows 2000 a few months ago because she needed to install an application
   which required Windows 2000 or Windows XP. She had the following problems after:
   Display would only display 800x600, CD Burner wouldn't work, modem wouldn't work,
   HP Printer wouldn't work, HP Scanner wouldn't work, Zip drive wouldn' work. 
   The External Hard Drive she uses to back up the system crashes her system 
   whenever she plugs it in now. I've located updated drivers to fix everything
   except the modem. For some reason, the system won't even recognize that it exists.

3) Upgrading Windows: I've got an AMD K2-400 which I loaded Windows 2000 on. Worked
   fine. Installed Service pack 2 and it won't boot. I've re-installed several times
   and it always hangs hard during the boot after installing SP2. I've had a MSCE
   who I know is very good look at it and he hasn't been able to figure out what is
   going on.

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