I am sorry but I haven't received your mail directed to me so I'll disregard any information from the mail that I'm viewing now from mr. Paul Rushing.
I do believe that load balancing is a false problem for a network made out of 50 computers. I have seen LANs made out of 100 comps and served by just one server that didn't had any problems in passing the packets.
The problems that you should have are:
    1. Is my hardware strong enough to sustain the traffic? If you use Squid think at this struggle: caches vs. bad blocks :).
    2. is my bandwidth enough for the applications inside my LAN?
If you need responses I must ask questions: what will the traffic will come from? Net browse, gaming? You can get an accurate ideea of what will be going on by knowing the number, size and type of packets that will transit your gateway.
Be extra carefull while sayng I am sure I would not want to tighten anything as all ports will have to be open and check out for what side will they be open ... Use strong firewall rules especially if it is a internet cafe.
P.S. Tell me us your problems exactly.

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