That is exactly my problem .
With commands like printf,scanf etc..... I don't have any problem, but with the 
clrscr() function which clear the screen in dos -doesn't seem to work under linux why ?

-----Original Message-----
From:   Damond Walker [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   ש 02 מאי 1998 17:27
Subject:        Re: c/c++ under linux

On Sun, 3 May 1998, Sahar Nitzan wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering ,is there a list of command for c/c++ under Unix ? 
> ( there is some difference in commands/reserved-words/libraries between 
>dos/windows-p.c. and linuxin c/c++ )

        If you are familiar with ANSI conforming compilers, then you
shouldn't have a problem with GCC family.  The library differences will
become evident when it comes to screen handling and X programming.  But
then again, these extra libs really don't have anything to do with the C
standard.  Other than that, you still can have your fill of printf,
malloc, free, etc, etc, etc...


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