I upgraded from 4.2 to 5.0......I did a "clean"  install but did not
format the /usr which is now /home
My question is under a fresh intall of 5.0 should /home contain just user
home dir's or look like mine:
X11               foo               lib               FOOBAR
X11R6             ftp               libexec           quota.user
X386              games             local             FOOBAR
bin               httpd             lost+found        sbin
FOOBAR            i486-linux-libc5  FOOBAR            share
dict              i486-linuxaout    man               src
FOOBAR            include           FOOBAR            tmp
doc               info              FOOBAR            i486-linux-libc5
etc               FOOBAR            openwin

can I deleate all the other stuff besides user accounts?

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