On Sun, May 03, 1998 at 08:10:22PM +0000, ////ark wrote:
> background: i had redhat 4.1 installed on a 2.1 gig eide hdd in a 
> carrier running in a dell p200. all runs fine. i wished to have a 
> dedicated linux machine and tried to put the disk into a digital p75. 
> when i went to boot linux i got the 'LI' error. i read a number of 
> posts to this list and the 'unleashed' book to no avail. i thought it 
> would be a good idea and just upgraded to redhat 4.2 with the cd 
> included in the redhat linux "unleashed" book.
> now the problem is a "L 80 80 80 80 80" recurring error on boot.
> i am a relative newbie.
> any ideas?

i've gotten the "L 80 80 80 80" thing a few times and in each case it
was because linux was using LBA addressing, but the BIOS was not
reporting LBA addresses. in each case i fixed the problem by going
into the BIOS and enabling LBA for the drive in question. the "LI"
error happens when you move drives around. for example, i have LILO in
the MBA of /dev/hda on my home machine. however, my linux root
partition is on /dev/hdb1. if i move /dev/hdb to the other controller
and make it /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd or even remove it, then my machine
gets to "LI" and hangs. this is because LILO is set to look for a
particular physical location on /dev/hdb for the rest of the info it
needs and dies ungracefully if it can't find it. 

if you have a problem with "LI" or "L 80 80 80 80", you can always
boot from the redhat boot floppy by saying:

vmlinuz root=/dev/hdxx

at the boot: prompt where the xx is replaced by the appropriate letter
and number for your linux root partition. 

hope this helps,

  Time is like fingers        A    |  Tim Pickering ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Gesturing for me to stop -- Quake  |  UA Steward Observatory
   Why is the sun up?       Haiku  |  Tucson, AZ  85721     520-621-6523

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