At 17:38 03-05-98 -0400, William T Wilson wrote:
>Just out of curiosity... why are you doing this at all?  :)
The thing came up in a Usenet group. I wanted a quick (and dirty?) way to
illustrate that SCSI utilizes the CPU much less than IDE - thus making the
system more responsive. My result was too overwhelming to be true! ;-)

>Are any other partitions on this disk mounted at the same time?
Yes. The root file system.

>What about other drives on the same IDE controller?
Nope - except the floppy, but I guess that the floppy isn't 'really' on the
IDE interface. Anyways, there has been no floppy activity on the box since
Redhat 5.0 came out.

>Have you tried this with the rc5 client's output redirected 
>to /dev/null?
Yep. No difference.

>Do you notice any
>unusual disk activity while the cat is trying to run?
I didn't check for that, actually. I'll do that; if I find something
surprising, I'll report back (I doubt it).

>So the question is not, what is the rc5
>client doing, but the question really becomes, what is the disk doing?
Bulls eye.
Or: what's happening with the damn IDE interface/IDE-driver?

>Does the rc5 client affect normal file access in any particular way, or
>only this use of the raw device file?
Not that I know of. (I haven't done any realistic benchmarks, though.) But
it _really_ annoys me, because I think that it's a 'genuine' (wow!) bug

>It's worse if you have a middle-aged motherboard circa 1994 or 
>1995, as most of these had buggy IDE controllers.
I'd not say so. Specs at

>> Could there be a connection between my observations? - The IDE 
>> throughput/priority/time-slicing problem and the 
>> non-responsive apache?
>Possibly.  Looking over your message I didn't see any references to bad
>apache response.  :)  So I don't know.
Sorry; that should have been cut out, before I copied the messeage from my
newsreader's outbox. My observations with Apache are probably due to
something unrelated. Forget that I mentioned it.

Greetings from Troels Arvin, Copenhagen, Denmark

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