On Sun, 3 May 1998, Darque wrote:

> OK...I give up.  I have looked and looked, but been unable to find any
> instructions anywhere on what I need to change to make X load a different
> window manager than the Fvwm that cam on my RH5.0 CD.  I have D/L'd Afterstep,
> and would like to try that, but I am at a loss...

I'm running slack at present locally and it's been a while since I
installed afterstep, but this should give you a good lead...

macker:/var/X11R6/lib# cat xinitrc
# AfterStep v1.0 Default xinitrc
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin
exec afterstep

I know I got afterstep setup under rh5 once before, but it's been a while
and I don't have an rh5 box with X on hand to play with to tell you...

> Also, can anyone tell me how I am supposed to get my PPP connection when I am
> not logged in as root?  It seems that to make this happen, I have to activate
> it through the Network Config tool, but can only get to that as root. 

Best way to do this would be to have a ppp script running setuid root and
executable by group ppp, no world-execute permissions.  It runs in my mind
I saw something on sunsite designed to do this securely, but again, it's
been a while...

> Thanx in advance!
> jdk

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