Sorry I've posted on this thread so many times.. I should have just found the answer I 
was thinking about on dejanews and *then* posted it.  But wading through a thousand 
different posts on this same question didn;t seem like too much fun.  The right query 
to the search engine was all i needed.

so here's the final answer to the problem and it works like a charm:

<-- snip -->

[re: who and Memory exhausted ]

> If you are still wondering about this...
> What we did to fix this was to recompile who in sh-utils-1.16-8.

OK, that is not exactly correct.  Here is how we fixed who:
[Originally fixed by David McCormac]

Unpack the source RPM, but do not apply to the patches.  This appears to
be where the problem originates.  (As in who works only if I do not apply
the patch.)

rpm -i sh-utils-1.16-8.src.rpm
cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES
tar xvfz sh-utils-1.16.tar.gz
cd sh-utils-1.16
cd lib; make ; cd ../src
make who

And that is about it.  You should now have a fully functional who...

<-- snip -->

that was originally posted at this url in dejanews :

--> hi all..
--> i'm having a problem with /usr/bin/who .. it keeps failing.  i've seen
--> past errors causing coredumps and other errors if i remember right...
--> here's the current error:
--> who: Memory exhausted

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