Hal answered this perfectly :)

I personally prefer a linux box, but it is more work to setup, uses mor
epower, takes up more space, and could be inscure if you don't know
what you are doing. The upside is you have ultimate controll and
flexibility. For example if you want to have three nics (to have two
seperate LANs behind your firewall), the linksys can no longer
compete. Similat arguments can be made for software, like port fowarding
different ports for different protocols to different machines.


On Mon, 1 Jan 2001, Steven Pierce wrote:

> Charles,
> Do you think that it would be better then the IPChains on an old 486
> box?  Does it give you better security?
> Steven
> *********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
> On 12/31/2000 at 12:59 Charles Galpin wrote:
> >I have used one (4 port). Works very well, and highly recommend it if you
> >you want a no-hassle firewall - as long as your setup is straight forward.
> >If you don't know if your setup is straight forward, then believe me when
> >I tell you that it is :)
> >
> >charles

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