Not sure if this is correct explanation but when you login as ssh I believe
your doing it initially as normal user.  When you do just su your not
getting the full root profile so therefore your not getting it's path
properties and having to use /sbin or /usr/sbin in front of the command.

I believe if you use "su -" that will give you full root properties and
therefore those path's would work.

Hope that works and is understandable.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Peltonen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 5:41 AM
Subject: PATH not set correctly under ssh session

> I'm using RH 6.2 and openssh-2.5.2p2-1, though I've had this problem with
> every version of openssh and ssh I've used.
> If I log in as root to the box from console, I have programs under
> in use. If I log in using ssh, I don't.
> Here's my PATH from console:
> --snip--
> --snip--
> And after ssh login:
> --snip--
> --snip--
> Now what I'm wondering is where does the "/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"
> come to my PATH? Those directories are not mentioned in root/.bash_profile
> in etc/profile.

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