Hi there,
I have used session management in PHP3 (with PHPLIB), and in PHP4. No
problem, I always thought,..... "elementary my dear....".

Well, now I've stumbled over a small problem. In PHP4, I have tested the
following code, and it works fine:

print $zzz;

As one expects, the above code increments the counter at every page

Recently, I started a new project, and I decided to use object oriented
facilities of PHP. I have placed a class definition in one file:

class whatever{
  function what(){

In another file I create an instance of the object:

include "1st file"
$x = new whatever();

OK, so far so good; it works fine. But I would like to register $x in the
2nd file as a session variable (I'd like to keep it in between page
reloads/form submits). I have changed the 2nd file to:

include "1st file"
if (some-condition){
  $x = new whatever();

Note that (some-condition) is true the first time the page is loaded. This
is to create the new instance the first time the page is hit, but not
re-create it for subsequent visits (during one session that is). On trying
to load the file, I get the following error:

Fatal error: The script tried to execute a method or access a property of
an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition whatever of
the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ the session
was started in /home/blah/public_html/test.php on line 4

Any ideas?


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