Интересная вакансия в блоге у Филипа Водлера. 


IOHK is hiring six PLT engineers
// Wadler's Blog

IOHK is hiring six Programming Language Theory engineers, to design and 
implement the smart contract language Plutus and related domain specific 
languages. Designing scripting languages for smart contracts is a challenging 
topic, as it is crucial to avoid the sort of exploits that regularly drain 
Ethereum of tens of millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency. I am one of 
the lead designers; two others are Duncan Coutts and Manuel Chakravarty, who 
are well known to many in this community. 

IOHK is one of the leading cryptocurrency firms. Much of its software is 
implemented in Haskell. All work is open source and publication is encouraged. 
Indeed, IOHK is unique in that it is committed to basing its development on 
peer-reviewed research, in cryptography and security as well as in programming 
languages and formal methods. As Charles Hoskinson, IOHK's CEO, points out, if 
IOHK succeeds it may impact how software is developed, encouraging others to 
more seriously consider functional programming, formal methods, and 
peer-review. IOHK is a distributed company: I am in Edinburgh and Rio de 
Janeiro; Duncan is in London; Manuel is in Sydney; you may work from wherever 
you like.

Further details here:
