On 8 Jun 2016, at 0:16, Gustavo Lozano wrote:

>> Comments (some of this can also be fund in SSAC document SAC-060 23 July
>> 2013):
>> 1. It is not clear how permutations of strings are to be calculated (by
>> whom, and how) in the case confusability risks might arise. For example
>> by the use of language tables or other mechanisms like LGRs.
> There are two places where permutations may need to be calculated:
> * Trademark registration in the TMDB. In this case, the matching rules 
> defined in "Explanatory Memorandum: Implementing the Matching Rules"
> (https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/about/trademark-clearinghouse/matching-rules 
> -24sep12-en.pdf) are used by the TMV (i.e. the company receiving the 
> trademark registrations) to calculate permutations, if any.
> * Domain name registration path. Registries, as described in their Registry 
> Agreement, must follow the "IDN Implementation Guidelines"
> (https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/implementation-guidelines-2012-02-25 
> -en). Per the Registry Agreement, each Registry may define their IDN-variant 
> policies. Section 4.1.3 of the RPM Requirements makes this clear to Registry 
> Operators (i.e.
> https://newgtlds.icann.org/en/about/trademark-clearinghouse/rpm-requirement 
> s-30sep13-en.pdf).

My view is that this must be explained in detail how it works in the I-D so 
that implementors of the I-D "do the right thing" depending on what role the 
implementor have.

>> 2. The term "leftmost" is a bit confusing when talking about labels in
>> DNS. I propose using "first" as in logical order.
> We only use A-labels in algorithms in the Internet-Draft; I think "leftmost" 
> works, no?

Well, maybe, but you should clarify this. It is not clear today.

>> 3. The matching algorithm is not described, who is implementing it etc.
> The scope of this Internet-Draft is to define the technical interfaces to 
> allow Registrars, Registries, TMV and TMDB to interact.
> Regarding the matching algorithms, please see answer to 1 above.

Noted, but the algorithm used to normalize a string before doing the matching 
must be specified or very explicitly referenced via a normative reference. For 
example the "remove space" (or something similar) which I do not understand 
what it means given "space" is quite undefined (or can mean multiple things) 
when using Unicode.

>> 4. There are no instructions on how to handle cases where the matching
>> algorithm in TMCH is different from matching algorithm one "expect"
>> ("one" as in the trademark holder).
> Sorry, I didn't get the question, could you please rephrase?

The matching algorithm (or rather, the normalization that is defined) for TMCH 
is done for english and latin script. Other languages and scripts might want 
different normalization algorithms. That might create a surprise and that 
should be explained.


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