>   1.  <cd> "avail" attribute meaning on partial return of results, see
>   section 3.9 for some additional context. The extension allows servers
>   to choose between returning no results or partial results when a server
>   encounters an issue with one or more of the requested <command>s. The
>   question raised specifically was "Should a partial result set the <cd>
>   "avail" attribute to true or false". The intent of the draft was to
>   return "avail=0" on partial (there was some failure), but some
>   implementations have interpreted it as "avail=1" (some data returned).
>   What do people think?

Since the client chooses the list of fee:command to include, if some are
in the reply, I think it means that cd should be zero, because if it is
1, the following sentence,
in absence of command elements in reply could lead to wrong conclusions:
 If the "avail" attribute of the <fee:cd> element is true and if no
   <fee:fee> elements are present in a <fee:command> element, this
   indicates that no fee will be assessed by the server for this

Basically a complete error to set any fee (because of incompatible
request parameters from client) may be interpreted as if no fee is
needed at all,
which is a completely different case.

Hence I am in favor of cd=0 as soon as one problem is detected. The
is free to check again with different parameters until it gets cd=1

>   2.  Appropriate level of <fee:class>, see section 3.7 for more details.
>   There has been an ongoing discussion on moving the <class> element to
>   the object level (i.e. at the <cd> level versus the <command> level).
>   Currently the draft has this at the <command> level but I do believe in
>   the merits of the argument that in reality/practice <class> is defined
>   at the domain object level and not the command level, so unless there
>   are arguments to keep it at the command level the next version will
>   move this to the object, <cd>, level.

I also believe that we talk about a class for a domain and not a class
for a command,
so it should be tied at the domain level.
This is even what the first sentence of section 3.7 implies.

  Patrick Mevzek

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