On Fri, Apr 13, 2018, at 15:09, Gould, James wrote:
> I made the proposal for the optional "standard" attribute with the list 
> message 
> (https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/regext/7E6X5xCdt3DhqL7p7CFupm9bAAY/?qid=e4f712bc8e70e4d0a458971928924651)
> on the thread with Pat Moroney.  

Yes, but that was not included in the document and noone replied to your
request for thoughts.

> The description in the proposal was " 
> Add a new optional “standard” boolean attribute to the <fee:command> 
> element, with the default value of “0” (or “false”), that indicates 
> whether the fees for the command and period matches the “standard” 
> classification fees for the command and period.".  To address your 
> concern, how about revising the description to the following:
> ..., an OPTIONAL "standard" attribute with a default value of false (0) 
> that indicates whether the fees for the command and period matches the 
> "standard" classification fees (see section 3.7), ... 

Maybe it is just me, but I still think that for someone new (or even not so 
new) this is confusing.

If client stays standard=false does that mean that the reply can not have 
On the opposite with standard=true, should? must? the reply have a 
class=standard reply?

This all seems under specified to me.

> In hindsight this attribute should have been exclusively included in the 
> <fee:command> of the check response (XSD commandDataType instead of base 
> commandType) since I believe it's only provided by the server, but that 
> would require a schema change.  The definition of the attribute may have 
> to be moved as well to the check response command description.  

The fact that there is a need to change the schema at the last time clearly
shows to me that something is half-baked and should not be shipped as is.

  Patrick Mevzek

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