On Fri, May 4, 2018, at 18:33, Roger D Carney wrote:
>   2.  Registry Mapping
>      *   Continue the lively discussion that was started in London

Why is there absolutely no "lively" discussion of this also on this
(since this lively discussion in London is also not documented very much 
anywhere as far as I can see).
> Please reply to the list or directly to myself if you plan on attending 
> this meeting.

I see no specific reason (maybe there is one, but it is not presented) why this 
work can not be conducted by email, hence I do not see the need of such a 
meeting right now.

I would tend to ask why is this being done, even more so when it is not 
done/initiated by the chairs of the working group.

has the following points:

* The meetings are scheduled by the working group chairs, who should discuss 
their plans with the responsible AD(s). 
* Minutes, including a list of attendees, must be sent to the working group 
mailing list within 10 days of the event
* It should also be noted that as RFC 2418 section 3.2 points out, decisions at 
meetings (normal, interim. conference call, or jabber session) are not final 
and must be reviewed on the mailing list. Special care needs to be taken with 
this for topics or issues which have not been discussed on the mailing list or 
for outcomes that are significantly different from previously arrived mailing 
list consensus. 

And I note this from the notes of the interim meeting in January:
"Next steps, Jim Gould will get internal approval to move forward and we will 
submit the draft and post an introduction to the list."

Was the draft posted and an introduction to the list?
If not, why another meeting before doing this step?

See also my email just before about the IETF 101 minutes for the same problem.

  Patrick Mevzek

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