The following errata report has been verified for RFC7482,
"Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Query Format". 

You may review the report below and at:

Status: Verified
Type: Editorial

Reported by: John Klensin <>
Date Reported: 2019-02-01
Verified by: Adam Roach (IESG)

Section: 2.1

Original Text
IDN: Internationalized Domain Name

IDNA: Internationalized Domain Names in Applications, a protocol
      for the handling of IDNs.

Corrected Text
IDN: Internationalized Domain Name, a [fully-qualified] domain name
containing one or more labels that are intended to include one or more
Unicode code points outside the ASCII range (cf. "domain name",
"fully-qualified domain name" and "internationalized domain name" in
RFC 8499).

IDNA: Internationalized Domain Names in Applications, a protocol for
the handling of IDNs.  In this document, "IDNA" refers specifically to
the version of those specifications known as "IDNA2008" [RFC5980].

While the proposed new text above borders on the painfully pedantic, failure to 
be specific about these things undermines the technical validity and 
consistency of the text (making this a technical issue rather than exclusively 
an editorial one like a missing reference).  IDNA2008 [RFC5890 Section] 
is very precise about what an "IDN" is (a definition incorporated by reference 
in RFC 6365 and consistent with the definition in RFC 8499) , but there are 
other things around that, e.g., assume either that "IDN" refers to a label, not 
an FQDN; that an ASCII label, even one in ACE form, does not make the FQDN in 
which it is imbedded an IDN; that all of the label components of an IDN must be 
U-labels or A-labels, etc.  Without the definition being clear, some of the 
statements in the document make no sense.

A reference to 8499 is suggested above because it is the most recent 
authoritative definition (and because I didn't write it), but 5980 would be 
equally legitimate if the authors prefer.

Pinning down the IDNA definition is even more important.  While there are 
IDNA2008 references further on in the document, if the question of what the 
generic term "IDNA" means is left to the imagination of the reader, then the 
specification is missing language about what to do if, e.g., a query is 
inconsistent with the U-label form of what is stored in the registry database 
without mapping.   The opportunity for that sort of problem is clearly created 
by the "performs any local case mapping deemed necessary" statement in Section 
6.1 of the document, at least unless that case mapping is constrained to not be 
applied to domain name labels (which the text definitely does not say).

RFC7482 (draft-ietf-weirds-rdap-query-18)
Title               : Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Query Format
Publication Date    : March 2015
Author(s)           : A. Newton, S. Hollenbeck
Category            : PROPOSED STANDARD
Source              : Web Extensible Internet Registration Data Service
Area                : Applications
Stream              : IETF
Verifying Party     : IESG

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