Hi All,

As you may have seen, we have a one hour meeting slot for IETF 112 on Wednesday 
November 10th, 14:30 UTC.
Our preliminary agenda is due next week, and so far we only have 1 author 
(Jody) to talk about existing work.
Can the other authors please indicate if they need time on our agenda?
We may also have some time on our agenda left for new work.
Please let the chairs know if you want some time on the agenda before next week.


Jim and Antoin

> Op 13 sep. 2021, om 15:19 heeft Antoin Verschuren <i...@antoin.nl> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> Hi All,
> Ii’s time already to think about agenda items for IETF 112.
> The deadline for requesting a meeting slot will be next week.
> Jim and I are thinking to request a same one hour time slot as last IETF 111 
> meeting, unless we get a lot of requests from you for new work.
> If you intend to request for a presentation, please let the chairs know.
> Regards,
> Jim and Antoin
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