Totally agree, Scott.


From: "Hollenbeck, Scott" <>
Date: Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 2:55 PM
To: "" 
<>, Jasdip Singh <>, 
"" <>
Subject: RE: Re: [regext] Extension Prefixes, JSON Values, and URI Path Segments

Re: “there is really a mix of prefixes and identifiers currently registered in 
the RDAP Extension Registry”.

That’s true, and unfortunately it could be an indication of an error on the 
part of the reviewers (me and Andy) that IANA asks to review the registration 
requests. If we’ve made mistakes, we shouldn’t repeat them.


From: regext <> On Behalf Of Gould, James
Sent: Thursday, May 5, 2022 2:47 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [regext] Extension Prefixes, JSON Values, and URI Path 

Caution: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click 
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Thank you for your concise set of comments and questions.  My feedback is 
embedded below.




James Gould
Fellow Engineer<applewebdata://13890C55-AAE8-4BF3-A6CE-B4BA42740803/>

12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190<>

From: regext <<>> on 
behalf of Jasdip Singh <<>>
Date: Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 1:53 PM
To: "<>" 
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [regext] Extension Prefixes, JSON Values, and URI Path 

Hello James, Scott,

Should the rdapConformance string not to be an exact match for the extension 
identifier registered with IANA? Per Tom’s earlier note [1], that seems to be 
the case for most, if not all, well-known extensions. If so, then the proposed 
rdapConformance “redacted_level_1_0” won’t match the proposed to-be-registered 
extension “redacted”.

JG – Based on my read of the RFC language, I don’t believe the rdapConformance 
string needs to exactly match the list of URI path segments and JSON members 
associated with the extension.  As Tom’s earlier note highlights there is 
really a mix of prefixes and identifiers currently registered in the RDAP 
Extension Registry.  Mixing the signaling in the rdapConformance member, which 
I believe can and should include versioning, with the naming of the URI path 
segments and JSON members is unnecessary coupling.  For example, what if there 
is an extension that contains multiple URI path elements and JSON members.  We 
need to ensure that there is signaling of supporting the extension in the 
rdapConformance member and we need to ensure that there is no conflict with the 
URI path segments and the JSON members defined in the extension with other 
extensions.  This can be handled by having registrations for the prefix(es) and 
for the identifier used in the RDAP conformance .

Further, shouldn’t the new fields and paths be prefixed with that exact same 
registered extension identifier? If not, then what happens to the “redacted” 
member name when the rdapConformance jumps to the next version, say, from 
redacted_level_1_0 to redacted_level_2_0, with a new child member (beside 
“name”, “path”, “pathLang”, “method”, and “reason”) ?

JG - The rdapConformance value would reflect “redacted_level_2_0” that would 
then signal support for the new child member.  The “redacted” member name 
itself does not need to change since the version change is signaled with the 
RDAP Conformance value.

Lastly, discounting strict “semantic versioning” and understanding how a minor 
version might help during the development of an extension, won’t simply 
registering a new extension with the major version help keep things simple for 
our purposes? Also, the “_level” sub-string in an extension identifier seems 
extraneous, no?

JG – Are you proposing the use of the RDAP Conformance value of 
“redacted_level_1” instead of “redacted_level_1_0”?  Yes, I agree that the 
“_level” substring is somewhat extraneous, but it is consistent with the scheme 
used for RDAP with “rdap_level_0”.

Trying to reconcile various inputs thus far. :)


[1] From Tom’s earlier note:

- 1.
    - rdapConformance is an exact match for the extension identifier
    - 1.1
        - New fields are prefixed with the extension identifier
        - New paths are prefixed with the extension identifier
            - arin_originas0
    - 1.2
        - New fields are prefixed with the extension identifier
        - No new paths are defined
            - cidr0
            - paging
            - sorting
            - subsetting
    - 1.3
        - rdapConformance is an exact match for the extension identifier
        - No new fields are defined
        - No new paths are defined
            - icann_rdap_response_profile_0
            - icann_rdap_technical_implementation_guide_0
            - nro_rdap_profile_0
            - nro_rdap_profile_asn_flat_0
            - nro_rdap_profile_asn_hierarchical_0
            - rdap_objectTag
            - redirect_with_content

From: regext <<>> on 
behalf of "Gould, James" 
Date: Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [regext] Extension Prefixes, JSON Values, and URI Path Segments

Scott and I discussed this offline, and below is a proposal for the RDAP 
Extension Registry registrations that meets the language in the RFCs and 
ensures that there are no conflicts (RFC 7480 “ensure uniqueness of extension 
identifiers”) with the URI paths or JSON members for new RDAP extensions.

1.      Register any URI path or JSON member prefixes added by the extension.  
The value may have a null suffix, so the exact value can be registered.

a.      Supporting language in the RFCs

                                                              i.      RFC 7480

1.  Prefixes and identifiers SHOULD only consist of the alphabetic US-ASCII 
characters A through Z in both uppercase and lowercase, the numerical digits 0 
through 9, and the underscore character, and they SHOULD NOT begin with an 
underscore character, numerical digit, or the characters “xml”.  The following 
describes the production of JSON names in ABNF [RFC5234]:

a.       name = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / “_” )

                                                      i.      I would more 
clearly define a custom element (custom URI path or custom JSON member) using 
the ABNF, which does meet the existing RFC 7480 ABNF:

1.      element = prefix [ suffix ]

2.      prefix = name

3.      suffix = “_” name

                                                            ii.      RFC 9083

1.  When custom JSON values are inserted into responses, conformance to those 
custom specifications MUST use a string prefixed with the appropriate 
identifier from the IANA RDAP Extensions registry specified in [RFC7480]

a.       This normative language is contained in the RDAP Conformance section 
of RFC 9083, but it does cover the JSON members use of the format defined above 
in RFC7480.

b.      Plan for draft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted

Registration of “redacted” 
 and the definition of the “redacted” member 

1.      Register a versioned identifier for use as an RDAP conformance value.

a.      Supporting language in the RFCs

                                                              i.      RFC 9083

1.  When custom JSON values are inserted into responses, conformance to those 
custom specifications MUST use a string prefixed with the appropriate 
identifier from the IANA RDAP Extensions registry specified in [RFC7480]

a.       This normative language is contained in the RDAP Conformation section 
of RFC 9083.  The unique identifier can and should be versioned to support 
future updates to the extension.  My recommendation is to use a pointed version 
with the major version set to ‘0’ prior to the draft completing WGLC (e.g., 
“0_1”, “0_2”, “0_N”).   The RDAP Conformance value specifies the extension and 
version supported in the response, where the specification defines the prefixes 
used for the extension URI paths and JSON members, and the prefixes are 
registered to ensure that there is no conflict with other extensions.  The RDAP 
Conformance pattern ABNF could be followed:

                                                      i.      identifier = name 
“_level_” version

                                                    ii.      version = DIGIT [ 
“_” DIGIT ]

b.      Plan for draft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted

Registration of “redacted_level_DIGIT_DIGIT”, where the RDAP Conformance value 
of “redacted_level_0.2” would be changed to “redacted_level_0_2” until it 
completes WGLC and then would be changed to “redacted_level_1_0”.




James Gould
Fellow Engineer<applewebdata://13890C55-AAE8-4BF3-A6CE-B4BA42740803/>

12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190<>

From: James Gould <<>>
Date: Monday, May 2, 2022 at 9:42 AM
Subject: Re: [regext] Extension Prefixes, JSON Values, and URI Path Segments


With the potential impacts to draft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted, I did a review 
of the referenced RFC language for the Extension Prefixes, JSON Values, and URI 
Path Segments.  I provide my interpretation embedded below for consideration.  
To provide a concrete example of the proposed changes to 
draft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted, I list them below:

1.       For the Extension Prefix, I believe that we need to register the 
“redacted” Extension identifier in the RDAP Extensions Registry instead of the 
versioned value “redacted_X.X”.
2.       For the RDAP Conformance, as defined in Section 4.1 “RDAP 
Conformance”, I believe that we can follow the pattern of “rdap_level_0”, but 
leverage the pointed version number until the draft exits WGLC.
a.       Change references of “redacted_0.1” to “redacted_level_0.1”; although 
I believe we will need to bump it up to “redacted_level_0.2” based on adding 
the Redaction by Replacement Value Method that will be included in 
draft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted-04 .
3.       The “redacted” JSON response member will match the “redacted” 
extension identifier that will be registered in the RDAP Extensions Registry.
a.       The language of RFC 9083 “MUST use a string prefixed with the 
appropriate identifier from the IANA RDAP Extensions registry specified in 
[RFC7480].”, I believe the RFC will be met since a registered prefix should be 
able to be combined with a NULL suffix, meaning the member can match the 
registered extension identifier.  The key is that there are no conflicts with 
the members returned in the response, which is handled by the registration of 
the “redacted” extension identifier.

So, the only required changes to draft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted is the 
extension identifier registered in the RDAP Extension Registry (“redacted” 
instead of “redacted_X.X”), and the RDAP Conformance value being changed to 
“redacted_level_X.X”.  The RDAP response member can remain “redacted”, since it 
will match the registered extension identifier (e.g., registered prefix with 
NULL suffix).



James Gould

Fellow Engineer<> 


12061 Bluemont Way

Reston, VA 20190 <>

On 4/28/22, 10:27 AM, "regext on behalf of Hollenbeck, Scott" 
< on behalf of<>>

    Since this topic is coming up in the reverse search discussion, but isn't

    unique to reverse search, I thought it best to start another topic.

    Section 6 of RFC 7480 introduces the concept of "an IANA registry for 

    used in JSON [RFC7159] data serialization and URI path segments (see Section

    8)". "lunarNic" is given as an example in Section 8. I cannot, though, find

    any mention of a MUST when it comes to using these prefixes for data

    structures or URI path segments, though Section 8.1 says this:

    "The extension identifier is used as a prefix in JSON names and as a prefix 

    path segments in RDAP URLs."

    RFC 9083 is more definitive. From Section 4.1:

    "When custom JSON values are inserted into responses, conformance to those

    custom specifications MUST use a string prefixed with the appropriate

    identifier from the IANA RDAP Extensions registry specified in [RFC7480].  

    example, if the fictional Registry of the Moon wants to signify that their

    JSON responses are conformant with their registered extensions, the string

    used might be "lunarNIC_level_0"."

JG – My interpretation is that the registered extension prefixes used in the 
URI path segments and JSON response members need to be used, but it doesn’t 
specify the suffix that must be used.  The suffix could be NULL, and therefore 
the URI path segment and the JSON response members can match the registered 
extension prefixes.  The reference to “lunarNIC_level_0” looks to be relevant 
for a rdapConformance value, since the rdapConformance member has the purpose 
of signaling conformance in the response, and not the names of the RDAP 
response members themselves.  I believe the goal is to ensure that there is no 
conflict in URI Path Segments and JSON response members, which is met based on 
ensuring to use registered extension prefixes, which and I believe most likely 
will have a null suffix for the path segments and JSON response members.

    Note the use of MUST here. Section 5 of RFC 9082 contains similar text:

    "Custom path segments can be created for objects not specified here using 

    process described in Section 6 of "HTTP Usage in the Registration Data 

    Protocol (RDAP)" [RFC7480].

    Custom path segments can be created by prefixing the segment with a unique

    identifier followed by an underscore character (0x5F). For example, a custom

    entity path segment could be created by prefixing "entity" with "custom_",

    producing "custom_entity"."

JG – This is not normative and covers a corner case of define a custom object 
of one that already exists.  Defining a new custom object (e.g., “foo” for the 
Foo object or “bar” for the Bar object) that doesn’t already exist would not 
require the use of an underscore character, since there would be no conflict 
with other path segments.  The custom path segment would match the registered 
RDAP extension identifier.  A custom entity object would not be able to use the 
path segment “entity”, so instead it differentiates the entity path segment 
using it’s registered extension identifier prefix.

    After re-reading all of this, my take is that extensions MUST tag new data

    structures and path segments with the prefix that's registered with IANA. 

    means I'm going to have to change the data structures and path segments in

    draft-ietf-regext-rdap-openid (I'm probably going to change the prefixes to

    something shorter to make them a bit less clunky). Other extension

    authors/editors should review their documents and provide their own




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