Thank you, Mario. Let me review your feedback, and adjust the analysis 
accordingly. Probably, early next week. :)


On 6/1/22, 12:33 PM, "regext on behalf of Mario Loffredo" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    Hi Jasdip,

    I would suggest to add Approach C and split some scenarios into smaller 

    I mean, some of the scenarios presented merge breaking and non-breaking 

    I would classify the scenarios reflecting the basic breaking and 
    non-breaking changes as in the following.

    Possible breaking changes that can occur in the RDAP context include:

         Removing a response field
         Modifying a path URI
         Modifying a field name or type
         Modifying a required query parameter

    While non-breaking changes include:

         Adding a path
         Adding a response field
         Adding an optional query parameter

    Any combination of breaking changes should be treated as one 
    non-breaking change while any combination including at least one 
    breaking change should be treated as one breaking change (e.g., 
    "Replacing jCard with JSCard" is equal to "Removing jCard " + "Adding 

    That being said, anyone can realize that Approach A (at least as is for 
    now) transforms the non-breaking changes in breaking ones. For example, 
    defining a new version of a request extension by adding an optional 
    query parameter to a given path implies that the path URI gets modified 
    (@Jasdip, this scenario corresponds to the second one presented in your 
    breakage analysis but limited only to the assumption "Query parameter q1 
    added"). Likewise, adding a new member to a response extension would 
    result in modifying the name of the response extension as well (@Jsdip, 
    this seems to me not included in your breakage analysis).

    For that reasons, I wouldn't opt for Apporach A.



    Dr. Mario Loffredoto a
    Technological Unit “Digital Innovation”
    Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT)
    National Research Council (CNR)
    via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 PISA, Italy
    Phone: +39.0503153497

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