I don't believe we're using advanced features of JSONPath in 
draft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted and jsonpath.com has been used to validate the 
included examples.  If there is a better tool to use, please let me know and 
I'll validate the examples with it.  Otherwise, I believe we can continue to 
leverage jsonpath.com.    




James Gould
Fellow Engineer

12061 Bluemont Way
Reston, VA 20190

Verisign.com <http://verisigninc.com/> 

On 4/26/23, 1:07 PM, "regext on behalf of Mario Loffredo" 
<regext-boun...@ietf.org <mailto:regext-boun...@ietf.org> on behalf of 
mario.loffr...@iit.cnr.it <mailto:mario.loffr...@iit.cnr.it>> wrote:

Hi Andy,

Il 26/04/2023 17:55, Andrew Newton ha scritto:
> I see in the implementation section of the draft there is a test
> server that lists the redactions.
> However, has anybody taken any real output from a DNR and INR server
> and run some JSONPath expressions on them?
> Doing so would help to prove out this spec.

Think the main problem is that AFAIK there aren't JSONPath online 
testers fully compliant with jsonpath-base :-(

I have used some of them thus far (e.g. jsonpath.com, 
jsonpath.curiousconcept.com/) but they refer to proprietary 
implementations sharing only the basic features with jsonpath-base.

Just to be sure, have also tested on those sites some advanced JSONPath 
expressions included in jsonpath-base but they returned no results.


> -andy
> On Wed, Apr 26, 2023 at 7:39 AM Mario Loffredo
> <mario.loffr...@iit.cnr.it <mailto:mario.loffr...@iit.cnr.it>> wrote:
>> Il 26/04/2023 02:16, Tom Harrison ha scritto:
>>> On Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 03:27:23PM +0200, Antoin Verschuren wrote:
>>>> The document editors have indicated that the following document is
>>>> ready for submission to the IESG to be considered for publication as
>>>> a Proposed Standard:
>>>> Redacted Fields in the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Response
>>>> https://secure-web.cisco.com/1KCYlZwumc1dMsWu4lHKi2uzBOOZvyGHP9hcYqgZZYMGctG6zT4WbgzJ4D7h00jgOtrNq-nsfqTPXQBiM-5NJUav2WwZAU6S44oavA2cTJbO2RNP-fXyJ3dWNpJ0kFN2Zkh4RLQm8xqqIofV2Vv5YEUrAyQcoVWKK7ZmjvnawHVQHFwdXd6FGwi15qKRETU82bAeP9GZePR3sCRJcmYowAT5gOf5M6zRDa65D-xeYOxmcOsyWHz5pwvW2WAwJTk-59INdwGqqglOwT_zhx90HhP7BkEDlAtcZ_VA2NL1kRNs/https%3A%2F%2Fdatatracker.ietf.org%2Fdoc%2Fdraft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted%2F11%2F
>>>> <https://secure-web.cisco.com/1KCYlZwumc1dMsWu4lHKi2uzBOOZvyGHP9hcYqgZZYMGctG6zT4WbgzJ4D7h00jgOtrNq-nsfqTPXQBiM-5NJUav2WwZAU6S44oavA2cTJbO2RNP-fXyJ3dWNpJ0kFN2Zkh4RLQm8xqqIofV2Vv5YEUrAyQcoVWKK7ZmjvnawHVQHFwdXd6FGwi15qKRETU82bAeP9GZePR3sCRJcmYowAT5gOf5M6zRDa65D-xeYOxmcOsyWHz5pwvW2WAwJTk-59INdwGqqglOwT_zhx90HhP7BkEDlAtcZ_VA2NL1kRNs/https%3A%2F%2Fdatatracker.ietf.org%2Fdoc%2Fdraft-ietf-regext-rdap-redacted%2F11%2F>
>>>> Please indicate your support or no objection for the publication of
>>>> this document by replying to this message on list (a simple “+1” is
>>>> sufficient).
>>>> If any working group member has questions regarding the publication
>>>> of this document please respond on the list with your concerns by
>>>> close of business everywhere, Monday, 1 May 2023.
>>>> If there are no objections the document will be submitted to the
>>>> IESG.
>>>> The Document Shepherd for this document is Gustavo Lozano Ibarra.
>>> Looks good overall, some minor comments/suggestions.
>>> Per previous mail from Pawel and Mario, some of the JSON path
>>> expressions are not quite right for entities that have multiple roles.
>>> There are some issues with the guidance added to the document to
>>> account for this, though, and some further updates in this space that
>>> would be useful. (We rely on entities having multiple roles in our
>>> server implementation at the moment, for reference, and returning a
>>> copy of each entity per role as a workaround is not ideal,
>>> particularly when addressing the comments here shouldn't be
>>> difficult.) To summarise these issues (mostly along the lines of the
>>> comments from Pawel and Mario):
>>> - The first example use of prePath has a value of:
>>> $.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='administrative')]
>>> But all that a client can infer from this path is that all entities
>>> with "administrative" as their first role have been removed. Since
>>> there are no guarantees around ordering of roles within an entity,
>>> this doesn't necessarily mean that all entities with
>>> "administrative" as one of their roles have been removed from the
>>> resulting object. It would be better to use a more general
>>> expression in this example (and the others like it) that captured
>>> the intent more clearly. Per earlier mail from Pawel, something
>>> like:
>>> $.entities[?(@.roles[*]=='administrative')]
>>> should do the job, though I wasn't able to determine the syntax
>>> that would be acceptable for draft-ietf-jsonpath-base.
>> [ML] Per what is reported in Sections (filter selector syntax)
>> and (index selector syntax), it seems to me that wildcard is not
>> accepted.
>> The only acceptable values are integers (e.g. 0, 1, -1)
>> Neither any of the pre-defined functions seems helpful.
>> Looking at the examples in section, $.entities[?@.roles[?@ ==
>> 'administrative]] could work maybe.
>> Another solution might be using the indexOf function that is defined by
>> some JSONPath implementations such as JSONPath.com and should be
>> registered as Function Extension (see Section 3.2) :
>> $.entities[?(@.roles.indexOf('administrative')!=-1)] //tested on
>> jsonpath.com
>> Anyway, the indexOf syntax should be redefined to be compliant with the
>> jsonpath-base syntax:
>> $.entities[?indexOf(@.roles,'administrative')!=-1]
>> Best,
>> Mario
>>> - Section 5.2 at point 4 has:
>>> When an entity has multiple roles, include "redacted" members
>>> for each role using the role index. This will result in
>>> duplicate "redacted" members, but will enable the client to
>>> treat redaction consistently when there is a single role per
>>> entity or multiple roles per entity.
>>> It's not clear why this advice is present, when compared with e.g.
>>> having the redacted members be a mapping from the server's
>>> policies. For example, if the policy is that administrative
>>> contacts not be returned, then a single "redacted" entry with a
>>> prePath like "$.entities[?(@.roles[*]=='administrative')]" clearly
>>> conveys that message to the client, and the client will understand
>>> that those entities will be removed regardless of any additional
>>> roles that they might have. How do multiple redacted members
>>> enable the client to treat redaction consistently?
>>> - Section 5.2 at point 5 has:
>>> When there are multiple entities with the same role, include
>>> "redacted" members for each entity using the entity index
>>> instead of the role. A JSONPath can be created that
>>> identifies the entity based on an index of a role selector
>>> nodelist, such as "$.entities[?(@.roles[0]=='technical')][0]"
>>> for the first entity with the "technical" role. Using the
>>> entity index, such as "$.entities[1]", is simpler and
>>> recommended.
>>> Similarly to the previous point, removing by index obscures the
>>> server's intent. To use the example given above, if the server's
>>> policy is that the first entity with a technical role is omitted,
>>> then the first expression (though with 'roles[*]' instead of
>>> 'roles[0]') conveys that message more clearly than removal by way
>>> of index. (If the server's behaviour can't be conveyed by way of a
>>> JSON path, e.g. where an entity is omitted because they have opted
>>> out of being included in responses, then simply omitting the
>>> prePath and relying on a specific registered redacted name for the
>>> behaviour would make things clearer for the client than presenting
>>> an entity index that they can't resolve/use.)
>>> - Section 5.1 at point 1 has:
>>> When the server is using the Redaction By Removal Method
>>> (Section 3.1) or the Redaction by Replacement Value Method
>>> (Section 3.4) with an alternate field value, the JSONPath
>>> expression of the "prePath" member will not resolve
>>> successfully with the redacted response. The client can
>>> first key off the "name" member for display logic and
>>> utilize a template RDAP response overlaid with the redacted
>>> response to successfully resolve the JSONPath expression.
>>> There is an earlier thread where the "template RDAP response" is
>>> discussed, but it was noted there that it would likely be difficult
>>> to construct a one-size-fits-all template response. I think that's
>>> correct, given the flexibility of the underlying data format, but
>>> that in turns means that a "template RDAP response" would have to
>>> be generated on a per-server basis (something that was also flagged
>>> in that thread). There's no guidance for clients (or servers) on
>>> this point, though. Omitting the last sentence here will address
>>> the problem.
>>> - Also on section 5.1 point 1, the prePath expression will sometimes
>>> resolve 'successfully' when evaluating the redacted response, in
>>> the sense that it can be applied to the response and will return a
>>> result. For example, if the first technical-role entity is
>>> redacted by removal, but the object contains two technical-role
>>> entities, then the prePath will resolve to the second
>>> technical-role entity. This could be confusing for implementors,
>>> particularly given that the other JSONPath expressions will resolve
>>> correctly when evaluated against the redacted response. Some extra
>>> text here clarifying that the expression may evaluate
>>> 'successfully', but not 'correctly', would be useful.
>>> - (Another way of addressing all of the above is to remove prePath
>>> altogether, given that it's optional, and given that in most cases
>>> servers should use registered redacted names anyway, the
>>> descriptions for which can document the associated behaviour
>>> clearly and unambiguously.)
>>> In the definition for "name" in the "redacted" member, in section 4.2,
>>> the text has "[t]he logical name is defined using an object with a
>>> 'type' field denoting a registered redacted name (see Section 6.2)".
>>> The document uses various names in the examples (e.g. "Administrative
>>> Contact" in figure 1) without registering them, though. Registering
>>> those names would address the problem, or alternatively the
>>> "description" field for unregistered names could be used in the
>>> examples instead.
>>> Section 6.2 has:
>>> Two new JSON Values Registry Type field values are used to register
>>> pre-defined redacted name and reason values:
>>> "redacted name": Redacted name being registered. The registered
>>> redacted name is referenced using the "type" field of the
>>> redacted "name" field.
>>> "redacted reason": Redacted reason being registered. The registered
>>> redacted reason is referenced using the "type" field of the
>>> redacted "reason" field.
>>> "redacted expression language": Redacted expression language being
>>> registered. The registered redacted expression language is
>>> referenced using the "pathLang" field.
>>> The following values should be registered by the IANA in the RDAP
>>> JSON Values Registry described in [RFC7483]: ...
>>> This would read better if the first sentence took account of the
>>> "redacted expression language" registration as well, or alternatively
>>> if similar text was added after the "redacted reason" entry.
>>> -Tom
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>> --
>> Dott. Mario Loffredo
>> Technological Unit “Digital Innovation”
>> Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT)
>> National Research Council (CNR)
>> via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 PISA, Italy
>> Phone: +39.0503153497
>> Web: 
>> http://secure-web.cisco.com/1Cb2OTkcuHwNjKyWzZAWakoJg4dYeLjCT_txGytMjP0jHL3d5e_GnUoLi-sHyMWyU4c0ftyVDWIv1_PbXaWwh3vPyBuqPUmiS-Q4hRtHl2JuRkKXqLYQIYUULFtfPejaqmZeMqd52ncaBSHoNx9OU4K4iYYAsDDtOqvnQEjnklMnkcdmTm4zDJDZvv_DLN86aCChqfKftAvCPHJrCSQWKnNuGeLpFB_As-tZ-LvjT-mEQHTIIa1kGug9ph5GnekGdWuUcwZ0ONtavYH-WWcCLCgqqNYIWzORCKmfnriUg6Ys/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iit.cnr.it%2Fmario.loffredo
>> <http://secure-web.cisco.com/1Cb2OTkcuHwNjKyWzZAWakoJg4dYeLjCT_txGytMjP0jHL3d5e_GnUoLi-sHyMWyU4c0ftyVDWIv1_PbXaWwh3vPyBuqPUmiS-Q4hRtHl2JuRkKXqLYQIYUULFtfPejaqmZeMqd52ncaBSHoNx9OU4K4iYYAsDDtOqvnQEjnklMnkcdmTm4zDJDZvv_DLN86aCChqfKftAvCPHJrCSQWKnNuGeLpFB_As-tZ-LvjT-mEQHTIIa1kGug9ph5GnekGdWuUcwZ0ONtavYH-WWcCLCgqqNYIWzORCKmfnriUg6Ys/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.iit.cnr.it%2Fmario.loffredo>
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Dott. Mario Loffredo
Technological Unit “Digital Innovation”
Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT)
National Research Council (CNR)
via G. Moruzzi 1, I-56124 PISA, Italy
Phone: +39.0503153497

regext mailing list
regext@ietf.org <mailto:regext@ietf.org>

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