Hello James,

I'm fine with all the changes you propose. Thanks for the explanations.


On 6/26/23, 3:17 PM, "Gould, James" <jgo...@verisign.com 
<mailto:jgo...@verisign.com>> wrote:

Section 1:

"The redacted JSON fields will either be removed or have empty values in the 
RDAP response." ... Isn't that incomplete, now that we have partial value and 
replacement methods as well?

JG - Yes, you are correct that this sentence is now incomplete. How about the 

"The redacted JSON fields will either be removed, have empty values, have 
partial values, or be replaced in the RDAP response."

Section 3:

"The redaction of RDAP fields fall into the three categories defined in the 
following sub-sections." ... Should it not be four categories now?

JG - Yes, you are correct there are four categories, so it should read "The 
redaction of RDAP fields fall into the four categories defined in the following 

Section 3.1:

"The Redaction by Removal Method is when the RDAP field is removed from the 
RDAP response, which is the preferred method." ... Why is it preferred? It just 
happens to be for optional fields’ redaction, no? As-is, it seems to connote: 
prefer redacting optional fields. Perhaps "default method" is a better phrase 
than "preferred method".

JG - I believe the preferred language was based on comparison to the empty 
value method, but it is the default (and most common) redaction method. We can 
replace ", which is the preferred method" with ", which is the default method" 
to correctly reflect it as the default method instead of the preferred method. 
The sentence would be "The Redaction by Removal Method is when the RDAP field 
is removed from the RDAP response, which is the default method". This will 
match what is indicated for the "method" member in section 4.2. 

Section 3.2:

"The Redaction by Empty Value Method is when a redacted field is not removed, 
but its value is set to an empty value, such as "" for a jCard [RFC7095] Text 
("text") property or null for a non-Text property." ... Found "null for a 
non-Text property" to be a bit confusing given a string JSON type can also be 
set to null, AFAIK.

JG - That same language was brought up my Mario with my response in the mail 
https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/regext/-TpQ9tS_PN5d9IqMcg4Ke6-ZNq4/. The 
 empty string can be used for redaction of a jCard Text ("text") property, but 
the other jCard types that are mapped to JSON strings include additional format 
requirements that would not be met with an empty string, which is the reason 
why null is used for non-Text ("text") properties. I believe it's important to 
clarify what to do for redaction with Text and non-Text jCard properties. A 
jCard Text ("text") property is redacted using an empty string. 

"The Redaction by Empty Value Method SHOULD be used only when redacting JSON 
response fields that use the position in an array to signal the redacted field" 
… Why just that? Why not for a required field that needs to be emptied (instead 
of a non-empty replacement) for redaction?

JG - We added the Redaction by Empty Value Method specifically to address the 
issues of redaction with jCard. The SHOULD reflects the intent of the redaction 
method and it's not defined as a MUST to cover corner cases such as an RDAP 
member that needs to be redacted being defined as required. I hope that future 
RDAP extensions don't overuse required members causing an issue for redaction. 

Section 4.2:

"The "redacted" member is included as a member of the object class in a lookup 
response, such as the object classes defined in [RFC9083], and as a member of 
the object instances in a search response, such as the object instances defined 
in [RFC9083]." ... Found the "object class" and "object instance" use a bit 
confusing here. Would it be better to say: "The "redacted" member is included 
as a member of the object instance in a lookup response, for the object classes 
defined in [RFC9083], and as a member of the array of object instances in a 
search response."?

JG - Yes, that sounds better. The second sentence would then read ""The 
"redacted" member is included as a member of the object instance in a lookup 
response, for the object classes defined in [RFC9083], and as a member of the 
array of object instances in a search response.".

"name" ... Is it a REQUIRED member of a child object of the "redacted" array? 
Is so, good to mark it as REQUIRED given we mark other fields as OPTIONAL.

JG - The members are required by default, but there is no problem being 
explicit for the "name" member with "REQUIRED logical name for the redacted 
field....". The change will be made.

"pathLang" … Knowing JSONPath is the only query expression lang mentioned in 
this draft, wonder if some folks would ask why JSONPointer [1] was not chosen 
as a pathLang, or if it could be a pathLang? Do we want to provide any 
guidance/clarification via-a-vis JSONPointer?

JG - We looked at JSONPointer early on, but it didn't provide the needed 
features for redaction. I believe it's best to define the chosen and in this 
case the default JSON path expression language with extensibility to support 
other expression languages without providing clarification of why another 
expression language wasn't chosen. 

"method" ... "The default value is "removal" when not provided." ... Why not 
always provide "method" (read: no default) in order to avoid confusion 
vis-a-vis other fields in a child object of the "redacted" array? Apparently 
there is not much space optimization to be gained by not setting this field. If 
so, we can do away with the "which is the preferred method" phrase in section 

JG - The space savings depends on the number of redacted members. The removal 
method will be the most common redaction method, so there is no need to specify 
it for every redacted member. 

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