Chris Mason wrote:

>On Tuesday, January 29, 2002 04:08:47 PM -0600 Matthew Hunter
>>I've spent some time recently building a new system, and trying
>>to optimize the HD setup on that system.  That means a 3-disk
>>RAID for most of the important data (RAID5 for important data,
>>RAID0 for performance in other areas).  I would like to use
>>reiserfs for some or all of these partitions... BUT: after a
>>system crash (which happens more than I would like; I am still
>>trying to narrow down the cause), it can take hours to recover
>>the system.  
>>Well, after the crash, the RAID5 has to resync.  And reiserfs ahs
>>to read and replay the various journals as it mounts these
>>partitions.  The combination of reading journals and resyncing
>>RAID5 seems to produce a hideously slow system, presumably due to
>>contention of some kind.  
>The kernel has problems with read io starvation, especially with IDE
>drives.      Andrew Morton recently posted some patches to l-k that should
>really help in this case.

Did Edward's fixes to this problem get into our code?


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