On Thu, 14 Feb 2002 02:58, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2002 12:26:59 +1300, Adam Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> >    Does Windows journal the metadata, data or both?
> >
> >    Answer:  Windows NT/2000 systems that utilize NTFS since NT3.1 have
> >    always journalled and logged metadata and data, so we've been doing
> >    this for close to a decade.
> >
> > I just want to confirm if this is in fact true. I can't find a
> Hint:  If they journal both, why do you ever hear of people getting
> corrupted filesystems when the box BSOD's?
> (No, I don't know if it does or not - but I've heard *too* many people say
> "It hosed the disk and I had to reinstall" for me to think that it's done
> correctly)

When a maching gets an Oops or BSOD condition then the kernel is inherantly 
doing improper and unpredictable things with memory.  Therefore regardless of 
what file system you use it could get trashed and data could get lost.

Oops conditions are generally rare on Linux machines so this shouldn't be 
much of an issue.  BSOD on NT is quite common...

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