On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 19:43, Sam Vilain wrote:
> > I've done some benchmarking of the old "international kernel patch" and
> > found it to be usable on small systems.
> Done it recently?
> hoffman:~$ df . crypto/
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda7              6265120   5366380    898740  86% /home
> /home/sam/.crypto       665572    498796    166776  75% /home/sam/crypto
> hoffman:~$ time bash -c "dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=4096 count=10240;
> sync"
> 10240+0 records in
> 10240+0 records out
> real    0m5.152s
> user    0m0.050s
> sys     0m0.640s
> hoffman:~$ time bash -c "dd if=/dev/zero of=crypto/test bs=4096
> count=10240; sync"
> 10240+0 records in
> 10240+0 records out
> real    0m9.685s
> user    0m0.030s
> sys     0m0.660s
> hoffman:~$

So we're doing 40M in <10s, this means something like 12MB/s encryption 

> That's with AES, a 192 bit key size, and a 2.4.18-ac3+preempt kernel.  My
> machine is a fairly new Dell(850MHz).  Both filesystems are reiserfs.
> During a fsck, the CPU isn't doing much else anyway.  So it would take
> about twice as long, assuming you don't have a system more powerful than
> my laptop to do the encryption.  Say you had a dual processor system (or a
> single Athlon ;), it could probably encrypt/decrypt as quickly as the disk
> can transfer data, especially for random access.

If a fast Athlon is twice as fast then it'll still be a bottleneck if you 
have a single fast IDE hard drive (modern IDE drives can sustain >30M/s for 
linear transfers).

Then think if you have 10 large file systems each comprised of 6 disks in a 
hardware RAID array.  You'll never get enough CPU power to keep up.

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