Bill Rees wrote:

>I've got a appication I'm testing that writes millions
>of 15K files to an 800gb raidset (5x160 gb Maxtor
>drives on a 3ware 7450 controller).  The basic format
>of the directory structure is as follows:
>/partition/00/yyyymmdd/hhmm/file1 (15k)
>/partition/00/yyyymmdd/hhmm/file2 (15k)
>/partition/00/yyyymmdd/hhmm/file3 (15k)
>/partition/00/yyyymmdd/hhmm/file1800 (15k)
>Where yyyymmdd is a date and hhmm is a time.  My test
>program simulates a production system.  I'm writing
>1800 files filled with nulls as fast as my CPU will
>allow for each subdirectory in an effort to fill the
>I compute the time in milliseconds that it takes to
>fill a directory with the 1800 files.  As the disk
>fills, the number of megabytes the application can
>write per second gradually degrades from around 8.5
>mb/sec when the disk is 2% full to 1.3 mb/sec at 23%
>full.  I tried the same test on a single 160gb disk
>and, although the performance was a bit better, the
>degradation is still there.  A single 160gb formatted
>with ext2 does not seem to show this gradual
>Does this sound like normal behavior and does anyone
>have a suggestion on what could be done to optimize
>this?  My production application can handle multiple
>partitions so I could break up the 800gb raid.
>Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
>Bill Rees - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
This is a very interesting measurement.  Please experiment with the 
patch to bitmap.c that Oleg is experimenting with (I think it was put on 
the reiserfs mailing list recently).

I think you will find the various mount options of interest.


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