There has been a huge amount of spam coming through this list recently.  
Could the list master please take the following actions:

1)  Make the list server software not strip all headers so we can see how the 
messages get to the list server?  Then we could report spam to SpamCop, and 
people with good filtering software could filter on the first IP address in 
the list.

2)  Make the list partially moderated.  Suggestion, moderate any message from 
someone who is not subscribed, and any message from an IP address that's in 
the common DNSBL's.  This will not deny anyone access to the list and will 
not take a huge amount of effort (once the few people like myself who 
subscribe with one address and post with another get with it).

Doing such things doesn't seem to be difficult, everyone else is doing it.

Another more invasive action is to make the list server use some of the DNSBL 
services to reject postings altogether.  It will slightly inconveniance some 
legit users, but will really cut down on spam.

I do not get viruses because I do not use MS software.
If you use Outlook then please do not put my email address in your
address-book so that WHEN you get a virus it won't use my address in the
>From field.

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