On Sat, Apr 03, 2004 at 10:05:22AM -0800, Hans Reiser wrote:
> i care more about people 20 years from now complaining that reiserfs is 
> ugly in its aesthetics than about unreal problems.
> punctuation in method names is uglier than "metas"

maybe if you try to pronounce it, but imho, making "metas" a reserved name
is not a good idea and is very ugly. taking a somewhat common word (though
"meta" is probably more common than "metas") and reserving seems like a huge
wart to me. if you have to reserve an inband name, it should be one that,
while containing mostly a descriptive english word, doesn't trample regular
filenames (eg, more than one dot).

and finally, i hate the 's'. 8) for one thing, it might only contain only
one file.

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