Chris Mason wrote:

On Thu, 2004-04-22 at 09:00, Jure Pečar wrote:

Hi all,

Is it theoretically posible?

Like, does it need a drastic redesing of reiserfs or just sufficient $$
directed to the team to be implemented?

Because i think that reiserfsck --check in 12h + --rebuild-tree in 18h is
still waaay too much downtime for a 500gb mail server...

Online check is easy, just use lvm or evms to make a snapshot and then
check the snapshot.

Requires that users use lvm before discovering the need for fsck, but, yes. What would be ideal would be some support for finding the inconsistency on the snapshot, and then fixing it on the real fs using the information learned from the snapshot fsck.

Online rebuild tree would be impossible by
definition (since it throws out everything above the leaf level and


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